(619) 425-8613 [email protected]


Divorce can be complicated, but yours doesn’t have to be. We take care of all the heavy lifting and guide you every step of the way, making it streamlined and simple.
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Remembering our Younger Selves and Divorce.

Remembering our Younger Selves and Divorce.

I have this picture of myself placed strategically in my office that was taken by a photographer for the town newspaper where I grew up in Ojai back when I was 17 and running cross-country my senior year in high school.  Despite it being taken nearly 40 years ago, I...

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Cohabitation, Spousal Support and Divorce Mediation.

Cohabitation, Spousal Support and Divorce Mediation.

In a previous blog I tackled the subject of how long couples can expect spousal support to last upon the conclusion of their divorce.  One of the considerations mentioned at that time was the impact of cohabitation on one’s right to continue receiving support and the...

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The Case for Kindness in Divorce.

The Case for Kindness in Divorce.

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.  When people think of divorce they don’t typically think of two people coming together and being friendly, generous and considerate to one another.  To the contrary, a more typical expectation is...

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Trust and Divorce Mediation.

Trust and Divorce Mediation.

With Divorce Mediation there are two big steps that need to be taken to prepare a couple to be in a place to make the important and lasting decisions they will need to make in their divorce.  The first part is getting educated on the law and the issues.  It is...

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Making Sure Divorce is the Answer

Making Sure Divorce is the Answer

By the time couples are sitting across from me for their Divorce Mediation there is a pretty strong assumption that a final decision has been made by one or both spouses that their marriage is over and that the divorce will be moving forward.  I am a very strong...

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How Long Does Spousal Support Last?

How Long Does Spousal Support Last?

One very important and challenging issue in divorce is figuring out how the family finances will be handled once the couple has separated.  When children are involved the management of the children’s needs is addressed through child support.  Whether or not there are...

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Divorce and Lessons About Letting Go From a Cat.

Divorce and Lessons About Letting Go From a Cat.

There is a lot to grapple with when you decide to divorce.  There is anger, frustration, disappointment, fear of what lies ahead, and often an overwhelming sense of failure.  These feelings can be paralyzing and can get in the way of moving forward and making sound...

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