(619) 425-8613 [email protected]


Divorce can be complicated, but yours doesn’t have to be. We take care of all the heavy lifting and guide you every step of the way, making it streamlined and simple.
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What About a Postnup Instead of a Divorce?

What About a Postnup Instead of a Divorce?

Usually by the time couples have come to see me at least one has already firmly decided they want a divorce.  Every once in a while I will hear things from one or both spouses that give reason to pause, and explore if there are other options available to avoid a...

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Full Disclosure and Divorce.

Full Disclosure and Divorce.

In my ongoing efforts to simplify the process of divorce, I have boiled it down into four basic steps.  First, getting educated on the law and the issues.  Second, the exchange of a thorough and complete disclosure.  Third, resolving the issues through settlement or...

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Untangling and Divorce Mediation.

Untangling and Divorce Mediation.

When we get married we make a conscious decision to become entangled with our partner.  As they say, we “tie the knot.”  We move from being individuals to being a partnership.   We entangle our personal lives, our finances and our assets and obligations.  We may...

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Hello, Goodbye and Happy New Year!

Hello, Goodbye and Happy New Year!

I have always loved New Years.  Earlier this month I wrote about making resolutions and reflecting on the year gone by. I continue to be one of those people who likes to stay up until midnight and count down the arrival of the new year, bang on pots and pans, give big...

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Goals, Resolutions and Divorce.

Goals, Resolutions and Divorce.

Each year around this time I spend some time reviewing my New Year’s Resolutions from the past year to check in and see how I did and then consider if I want to continue chasing those that I have not yet attained, or whether I want to build some new ones.  I have...

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Disclaimer:  For Legal Information Only

Disclaimer: For Legal Information Only

How many times have we seen the disclaimer “the information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice and instead all information, content, and materials available are for general informational purposes only?”  Everything that comes out of an...

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A Time for Thanksgiving

A Time for Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving upon us, it is time to take a short break from speaking about divorce and instead take a little time for celebration and thankfulness.  Earlier this week over dinner the topic of conversation was thinking back and sharing about our favorite...

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Considerations in Settling Divorce

Considerations in Settling Divorce

Getting to the finish line in your divorce involves resolving all of the issues.  When you have children the issues are custody, visitation, child support, spousal support and dividing up your assets and debts.  If you don’t have children, it is resolving spousal...

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