Life Balance, Goal Setting and Divorce
Here we are once again in that week of time between Christmas and New Year’s where we are closing out 2024 and preparing ourselves for what 2025 has in store for us. I use this time to see how I did with accomplishing my 2024 goals and then move to setting my new...
Airing Grievances, Mediation and Divorce
I have always counted privacy as one of the great benefits of Divorce mediation. With a litigated divorce each party prepares declarations that get filed with the Court, taking the skeletons out of the closet, airing the dirty laundry and pointing out each other’s...
Communication, Misunderstandings and Divorce
There are not many things more frustrating than misunderstandings and the subsequent breakdown of communication, especially with a person that you have a need to continue to engage with . I am in the midst of one such breakdown and my failure to find a way to resolve...
Budgeting and Divorce
There is a lot of financial upheaval that happens as couples navigate their divorce and move into the new reality that is to follow. The financial situation gets much more complicated because now there are two homes to run and usually no additional resources to...
Thanksgiving, Traditions and Divorce
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite celebration days. In saying so it has nothing to do with the historical significance of the holiday as I understand that indigenous people see it as a reminder of a grave injustice. I acknowledge that. For me, Thanksgiving is a...
The Norby’s, Kind Hearted Professionals and Divorce
It has become one of my life’s strivings to try to save as many families as possible from a litigated divorce. If you have followed my blog at all you will have gathered that it is my perspective that most couples shouldn’t need a Judge to step in and tell them how...
World Kindness Week and Divorce
Happy World Kindness Week to you all! November 9th through the 16th is Worldwide Kindness Week with World Kindness Day falling on November 13th. It is a global observance dedicated to promoting and celebrating acts of kindness. It is intended as a reminder of the...
Impasse, Mediation and Divorce
During a recent consultation, one of the spouses asked if I had any experience dealing with impasse, and if so, what were my strategies for getting cases past the deadlock to a place of settlement. That is a pretty big and telling question, at least the second part...
Untangling Together Workbook.
I am excited to announce that my new book “Untangling Together: A Healthy Divorce Guide and Workbook, California Edition” has been published and is now available on Amazon. I had been toying with the idea of writing this book over the past several years and have...
Shooting too high, too low, Goldilocks and Divorce.
I had a consultation this week with a spouse who was beginning to gather information for possibly proceeding with a divorce. I gave her information about mediation to share with the absent spouse in the event she could persuade him to consider the mediation option. ...