(619) 425-8613 [email protected]


Divorce can be complicated, but yours doesn’t have to be. We take care of all the heavy lifting and guide you every step of the way, making it streamlined and simple.
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Divorce and Sitting Down at the Table

Divorce and Sitting Down at the Table

The main difference between divorce mediation and the traditional litigated divorce with attorneys, is how long it takes for the couple to sit down together at the same table to have a meaningful discussion to settle their case. In divorce mediation, the case begins...

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Divorce and Estate Planning

Divorce and Estate Planning

In a recent study conducted by caring.com it was found that while 56% of those surveyed believed that estate planning was important, only 33% of Americans had actually formally completed their estate plan.  Each state has laws that determine what happens to somebody's...

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Divorce Mediation and Life Insurance

Divorce Mediation and Life Insurance

It isn’t hard to think of a more pleasant combination of topics to write about than divorce and death, but here we are.  It is valuable to understand the three primary situations where life insurance needs to be addressed in a divorce. The first situation is when the...

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Divorce and Intention Visualization

Divorce and Intention Visualization

It can be a very valuable exercise at the beginning of divorce for the divorcing couple to envision what they want things to look like in the end.  The same is true for divorce professionals working with these couples to also carry what they would like things to look...

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Happy International Child Centered Divorce Month!

Happy International Child Centered Divorce Month!

I have seen a couple of recent articles stating that January is International Child Centered Divorce Month.  I looked it up online and sure enough it is a real thing.  Diving in a little deeper I discovered that July is National Child Centered Divorce Month in the...

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To Zoom or Not to Zoom, that is the Question

To Zoom or Not to Zoom, that is the Question

In March of 2022 when the Courts closed and stay at home orders were issued I had mediated a total of zero divorces by way of zoom video conference.  I had handled a few via phone conference out of necessity where one  of the spouses lived out of town, which was less...

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