Forgiveness, Life and Divorce
It has been said that “While it takes at least two to reconcile, it only takes one to forgive.” Bill Johnson. As with all the other emotions we experience as we live our lives, we each have the ability at any time to forgive others and to forgive ourselves. Until...
Divorce and Intention Visualization
It can be a very valuable exercise at the beginning of divorce for the divorcing couple to envision what they want things to look like in the end. The same is true for divorce professionals working with these couples to also carry what they would like things to look...
Happy International Child Centered Divorce Month!
I have seen a couple of recent articles stating that January is International Child Centered Divorce Month. I looked it up online and sure enough it is a real thing. Diving in a little deeper I discovered that July is National Child Centered Divorce Month in the...
To Zoom or Not to Zoom, that is the Question
In March of 2022 when the Courts closed and stay at home orders were issued I had mediated a total of zero divorces by way of zoom video conference. I had handled a few via phone conference out of necessity where one of the spouses lived out of town, which was less...
Reflections and Aspirations
There is a lot going on the last couple weeks of December. Most people probably don’t want to hear about divorce during this time. It is a time of celebration, a time of showing generosity, love, friendship and joy. It is a very busy time but also a time for peace,...
The Divorce Coach and High Emotions Throughout the Divorce
Over my years working as a Divorce Attorney and now Divorce Mediator, I have seen numerous stories of spouses and other divorce professionals being killed by angry opposing spouses in the midst of their divorces. I have been part of an office that had a client kill...
Stay in Control with Divorce Mediation
One way for couples to keep their power throughout the divorce process is to work together to resolve their issues through divorce mediation. When divorcing couples hire attorneys and step into the Courthouse to have the Judge rule on their issues, they have...
Five Tips for Couples Dealing with the Stress of Divorce:
Divorce is a stressful time. It is a time of uncertainty, change, emotional challenges, upheaval, and is fraught with problems needing to be solved. While there are ways to reduce the stress by getting good guidance from the right professionals and choosing divorce...
Good People in Family Law
I have been on a mission to inform the world that there is a better way for couples to divorce than hiring attorneys and litigating through the Family Courts. I think most spouses are capable of working together with a divorce mediator to get fully educated on the...
Divorce, Rising Interest Rates and the Family Home
Since I started mediating divorces in 2003 there have been a variety of housing trends over the years that have impacted dealing with houses in the divorces that I have handled. House values have skyrocketed then plummeted. Interest rates have fluctuated. ...