Getting to the Settlement Table and Divorce
I recently read an article that indicated over 90% of divorces in California settle prior to going to trial. Most Courts in California have a requirement that prior to proceeding with a trial that the parties participate in a Mandatory Settlement Conference to...
Divorce Attorneys and Therapists Should Be Sharing a Cup of Coffee More Often
There was a time years ago when the San Diego chapter of CAMFT (California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists) and the San Diego County Bar Association paired up to have a monthly attorney/therapist interface luncheon. There would be a speaker that would...
My Journey to A Healthy Divorce
My name is Barney Connaughton, Divorce Mediator and owner of A Healthy Divorce located in Chula Vista. I went to law school because I wanted to become a lawyer to help solve the problems of the world and make it a better place. I originally envisioned environmental...
Happy Mediation Awareness Week!
If you are reading this announcement you have just been made aware of one of the best kept secrets in the world of Divorce, the option to mediate. We have been conditioned to pick up the phone and call a Divorce Attorney when there is a breakdown in our marriages to...
How Divorce Mediation Can Keep You Out of the Backlogged Court System After COVID-19
With COVID-19 making life uncertain, it can help to find ways to stay out of the backlogged court system. If you and your ex are trying to work through a divorce, or you are trying to settle a custody modification, mediation is the answer. When you work with a...
The Family Courts are Opening. Ready, Set, Go?
We live in a world where information changes by the minute and it now appears we have an opening day for the Courts! On May 26, 2020, after nearly 11 weeks of closure, the Court will be back open for more than just emergency orders. The clerk's office has indicated...
5 Essential Skills to Look for in a Good Divorce Mediator
Take control of your divorce and make the decision to mediate. You and your spouse will govern the decision making process to avoid the costly, stressful, and unbelievably backlogged Court system. How refreshing will it feel to know that you will be moving onto the...
Divorce, Mediation, and Health Insurance
During marriage couples will typically obtain health insurance through the employment benefits of one working spouse. If both spouses have insurance available through their employer the family considers their options and may select the less expensive plan, the best...
Healthy Relationships During COVID-19
Online media sources have reported a dramatic increase in divorce filings in China since the reopening of their Divorce Courts following the COVID-19 closures. About two-thirds of the couples filing for divorce during this period cited the stresses of dealing with...
Divorce, COVID-19, and Your House
There is speculation that the shelter in place directives around the Country may result in a spike in divorce filings as things progress. Couples are being forced to spend more time together in close proximity which may exacerbate relationship challenges. While the...